Finally a beautiful day! The sky was so gorgeous, I was almost waiting for rain!
Well, sometimes you get what you ask for... a few hours later, it was pouring...
Lovely view?
A random dress shop/tailor that we ended up walking into and buying a dress and skirt. Not bad for about 50 or USD...
The second floor of the dress shop, where the magic happens. The people who run the store live upstairs on the 3rd floor. Sometimes its nice to live where you work, and sometimes, you can't get away from work... what's better?
This store was rather interesting... They sold products from the hill tribes in the country. The lady in front of the store, other than Laura, was a Hmong lady selling her wares to the shop. They had very interesting artifacts that seemed more like they belonged in a museum than a store. I only wish I had enough money to buy it all...
Every once in awhile, you would see a store with super shiny bright lacquer-ware. Some restaurants even used some of this to hold their brown sugar and white sugar. The lacquer-ware was surreal in its color and consistency. And it was surprisingly affordable to boot. We paid 20 USD for 3 nesting oval shaped bowls and a 3 dimpled snack dish. I think I've seen this for triple the price at Z-Gallery in the States. Perhaps another import/export venture? Anyone interested?
We ate lunch on the 2nd floor of a place called Lucky Cafe. Good thing too, because only 10 minutes after we sat down, it began pouring rain... To eat, we had vegetarian noodles and chicken with lemongrass and rice. Very good stuff...
Various forms of transporation crowded the streets at all times. Its completely insane... Good bye Vietnam, until we meet again on August 6th... (for one day)
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